Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sriracha Lime Hot Wings - 8 points

I've been so remiss in my posting! Life has been crazy busy, but that doesn't mean I haven't been cooking. I just haven't been posting, and I have so many wonderful WW friendly recipes for you! I'm gonna start back today with something really easy: my delicious Sriracha Lime Hot Wings and Drumsticks.

Here's what you'll need:
6-10 wings and/or drumsticks
3/4 cup Sriracha sauce
1/3-2/3 cup honey
juice of 1/2 lime

And that's it!

I did a lot of research trying to find a good hot wing recipe and this is the result of a lot of combining and simplifying. I didn't want to batter or fry my wings, because I'm looking to make these healthier. And I didn't want all the brown sugar and butter and all of that (though I've found brown sugar doesn't add too many points). I took a lot of ingredients out of the recipes I read, including flour, butter, ketchup, soy sauce, baking powder, and orange--though some orange zest or the juice from an orange would probably be nice without adding too many if any points.

Trust me, these few ingredients are all you need!

Get a big tupperware and combine all the sauce components together. And that's it.

Just kidding. But that's almost it. Put your wings and/or drumsticks into the tupperware, seal the lid on tight and shake it up. Then I like to put it in the fridge and make dinner or breakfast or whatever meal I'm on for the day while the wings marinate. It's really easy to make the wing sauce right before making a different dinner so that the chicken can marinate overnight. Sometimes I don't have the time or I don't think of it until right before, so I just let the chicken sit in the sauce for a few minutes, and that works, too. But it's better when they get to sit for a long time.

Once you're ready to cook, pre-heat the oven to 400° line a baking sheet, spray it down with a little canola oil, and put your chicken in the oven. I like to keep a brush handy to continue basting the chicken. Cook for 15-20 minutes, then flip the chicken, baste, and continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes. Give them a nice baste before you let them cool and then serve with whatever sauce you like.

I'm a huge fan of these because they're so easy and so delicious. Combining wings and drumsticks comes to about 8 points per serving (each serving being one wing and one drumstick). The drumsticks are much higher in points, so if you were to do only drumsticks it would be 12 points per serving. Just wings comes to 4 points per serving, which means a lot more wings per person!

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