This recipe comes compliments of my girlfriend, Olivia. I was feeling tired, she wanted a salad and the only green we had in the house was kale. I think I like kale more than she does, but even I can't eat it raw. I know people who love kale in their salad or in their smoothies, but there is something about the texture of the leaf raw that I can't deal with.
So, Olivia decided to saute the kale first, and do an otherwise cold salad. Inspired!
Here's what you'll need:
1 tbsp olive oil
As much kale as you'd like (0 points!)
Approx 1/2 cup cut strawberries
Approx 1/2 cup cut cherry tomatoes
1 tbsp cilantro
2 oz crumbled goat cheese
1/2 avocado
Approx 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar (to taste)
This is super simple. Heat the oil in the pan and add the kale. Cover the kale, because that will help steam it while sauteing it. If you've cooked with kale, you know that it cooks down to nothing, so use a LOT of kale. Stir occasionally.
Meanwhile, cut up your strawberries and cherry tomatoes to whatever size you like on your fork. I tend to cut mine in quarters. Score your avocado half. Grab a handful of cilantro and give it a rough chop. About a tablespoon should do. Cilantro is incredibly polarizing. I don't know anyone who would say "I could either take it or leave it." People either love it or despise it. I've been told it tastes like soap, but I'm in the "more the tastier" camp. I like lots and lots of cilantro! Use whatever amount works for you and whoever you're cooking for/with.
Then simply combine everything in a bowl, add the cheese in and drizzle your balsamic vinegar over the top. The bowl is about 2 servings. It's a delicious 8 point side dish, which may seem like a lot for a side dish, but that kale and avocado are so damn good for you. It's very filling and has a lot of those good fats, oils, and antioxidants.
I've also done this with 1 oz goat cheese and 1 oz gorgonzola. This adds one point to your total, and a nice flavor variation to the dish!
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